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I had a dream. No seriously I did, it was about Facebook. It was Tuesday night or morning (no idea what time). I woke up and was coherent, but dreaming at the same time. Those kind are so real!

Anyways, from what I remember I was posting all sorts of photos and links and comments and clicking the “like” button on every status as if I’m going to get 5 gold stars and a raise because my superior Facebook skills got my client 72,000 Facebook friends.

I cant figure out if I’m just stressing at work or if this dream is a sign from above that I need to tell the world an important message or we are all going to die. By the way, did you read the article about what would happen if the internet broke? I really think people would die – just think about all of the ways people could die without the internet. There are so many different scenarios. For example, A person insults another through an IM (instant message), and before getting the chance to say “J/K, J/K LYLAS!!! I’m totes Joking!” the Internet breaks. The insulted is now dead as a result of suicide. I would bet you 72,000 facebook friends that would happen.

So if I’m going to dream about Facebook there are some things that need to change. And even though no one really give a hoot about what I say, I am going to tell you what I would change personally to make Facebook a bit more “dream friendly” in 2010 anyway.

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